Drowning prevention for curious toddlers
Drowning prevention for curious toddlers
Swimming is good for our physical health; it keeps our heart rate maintained, builds muscle strength.
For toddlers, swimming can prove enjoyable, it keeps the limbs of toddlers moving that can help them grow well.
The utmost priority of parents is the safety of their toddlers, for safe swimming baby floaties can be used.
Some significant benefits of swimming are given below:
Physical benefits for your baby
Babies usually start crawling and walking before swimming, being in water can help the baby to move freely, which is very important also.
Babies can understand how to balance them in water, and it is a safe place to learn a lot of new things.
Swimming can help to strength many organs of babies like heart and lungs also their leg arm and neck muscles.
Playing with water can stimulate the vestibular system of babies which can help to maintain balance later on.
It’s approved that swimming can help babies eating and sleeping patterns.
Cross-lateral movements are the movements that cross the midline of the body, like when baby plays in the water and reach the ball using his hand-eye coordination.
These movements also brain to store and retrieve information.
When babies do activities like chasing toys in the water can also help to improve motor skills;
with the help of all those small movements that occur in the hands, fingers, wrists, feet and toes.
Intellectual and social benefits for your baby
From the research, it is concluded that baby swimming can help to increase academic, social and personality development.
When baby playing in water reach the toy or something, it also increases the confidence and improvement in his way of doing new things,
it’s even more good when you use safety tools like baby floaties.
When you take your baby in the water with you and hold him/her in your arm and near you,
it will strengthen the bond between you and your baby,
feel your heartbeat, can smell you, that will make you and your baby feel happy.
These things remind baby of the safety and security of the womb.
Always follow the below-given rules for the protection of your child.
When should you take baby to the pool?
You can take your baby to pool by yourself of any age;
there is no restriction if you carefully hold the baby of 8 months to pool, eight weeks or two months is the best time to wait until taking your baby into the pool.
The swimming lessons for baby usually start at the age of 6 months.
If the baby is younger than six months, make sure the pool is heated to about 32-33° C. A sizeable public pool is not suitable.
It’s advised to use baby floaties for safety of your baby.
Keep an eye
Whenever your child is in water must keep an eye on him/her because the child is child’s they don’t know how to prevent,
and they don’t even know how to tell others that they are in trouble.
It should be the utmost priority and responsibility of parents to keep an eye on their child’s.
Use safety tools
One of the leading cause of death in babies is drowning to avoid we should keep safety as the priority.
Its necessary use of safety tools like baby floaties, there are various advantages of baby floaties, and some are listed below :
Love of water
New experience
Also, the baby floaties are entirely safe to use and can even be used for baby with an age of 8 weeks.
There is no more satisfying feeling than having peace of mind that your baby is safe and sound in water.
Introducing your baby to water from birth is essential as it can prevent the baby from the fear of water that will give your child more confident in every situation.Above mentioned Research in the article is done by Prof. Hermundur Sigmundsson From Norwegian University of Science and Technology in September 2009.
Author Bio:
This article is written by “Fariha Tariq”, who is an active Blogger for babyfloaties.com